Audiovisual installation, 2015
Displacement, relativity and continuous motion are at the heart of the project EXO. Other systems exist and co-exist : the EXO project focuses on the three-dimensional perception of such new frontiers - out of reach space-time.In an audiovisual set-up, the two artists combine laser beams projected onto hundreds of celestial objects - stars, planets, black holes, pulsars, GRB (Gamma Ray Burst)... - with an electroacoustic composition. Like the head of a disk player, these light pulses read the sky and translate astrophysical data into sound.
Derived from a spatio-temporal archeology, the laser beams will go back in time, pointing to nearby stars as well as objects from the deep sky whose light was emitted sometimes over 13 million years ago.Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves and Julie Rousse - one a visual artist, the other a musician – survey space within a context of installations and performances. One captures – with « Field Recording » - soundscapes, while the other uses light to grasp different space-time continuums.
Motorised mirrors, lasers, sound diffusion.
Les Nouvelles Vagues, France Culture
Media Art Design Blog
Julie Rousse, musician
Fabio Acero, Ph.D. in Astrophysics (laboratoire AIM / CNRS)
Thierry Coduys, technical
Director Guillaume Jacquemin, Axel Chemla Romeu Santo, programmers
Seconde Nature
With the support of Nuit Blanche de Paris
Arcadi Île- de-France (Nemo)
LAM (Marseilles Laboratory of Astrophysics)
IMCC (Paris observatory)
Julie Miguidirtchian
International Year of Light in France
Nuit Blanche - Paris, October 2015
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